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Thursday, March 18, 2020.  2:49 PM

Good afternoon,


Thank you for your continued patience and cooperation as we continue to implement protocols to ensure your safety.  Every day, we closely monitor and analyze developments and information from local, state and federal agencies.  We will continue to provide updates to you as we become aware of them. The instructions in this memo are effective immediately and will change as events change. 


Please review the attached memo, posters regarding Excellus’ Express Scripts and Telemedicine programs and reminders for your health and safety.  Let us know if you have any questions or concerns.  Continue to check your emails and ADP Home Page daily for the most up-to-date information.


As always, we appreciate all that you do for our clients, LASMNY and for your support during these challenging, ever-changing circumstances.

Message from the Executive Director #2 

Telemedicine Healthy Tip Flier.pdf


Public PR

Sunday, March 15, 2020.  2:32 PM

To All Employees:

The Legal Aid Society of Mid-New York, Inc. (LASMNY) and Legal Services Corporation (LSCNY), consider the health and safety of our employees and their families our priority.  We have been closely tracking the news of the Coronavirus (formally known as COVID-19) daily.  We value our employees and clients, and our desire is to act responsibly when considering the steps we should take in our workplaces as we respond with this pandemic, a national emergency.


However, COVID-19 continues to evolve and change daily.  We will continue to provide updates to you as we become aware of them.


Please review the attached memo and posters and let us know if you have any questions or concerns.  The instructions in this memo are preliminary and temporary and will change as events change.  Please check your emails and ADP Home Page daily for the most up to date information.


We appreciate all that you do for our clients and LASMNY!

Message from the Executive Director 

COVID19 Facts

If you are sick with COVID19

Protect  yourself against COVID19

Excellus BCBS Update 3/11/2020

SUNY UpState triage hot line

Oneida County MVHS Facts/ Drive thru testing

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